Mother Justice Training Uses Real Life Experiences
Mother Justice (Kathy Jones) has developed training sessions over the years to appeal to a wide range of professional and general audiences. Her training style is visual and personable, interspersed with examples and anecdotes from her decades as a survivor and victim advocate. Q&A session follows all trainings, as time allows.
WHERE HAS OUR KATHY GONE: Kathy’s personal survival account of dating violence, sexual assault, stalking and domestic violence, illustrated with family photos and punctuated with narratives of family and friends who suffered alongside her. This is a very real and raw testimony; content includes religious themes, strong language and graphic descriptions of violence. She also addresses issues of generational violence and community response.
IF IT WALKS LIKE A DUCK: The newest training developed by Kathy to help community professionals recognize the behaviors and beliefs of likely perpetrators of domestic abuse, in contrast with the behaviors and beliefs of likely victims. Also addresses issues of stigma and neutrality, and how systems and institutions collude or ally with abusers.
FORENSIC ADVOCACY, CYCLE-MAPPING & VICTIMIZATION STUDIES: An advanced training for domestic violence victim advocates, especially those who:
1) Have spent significant time in family court or child protective systems;
2) Are interested in helping victims tell their stories to resistant professionals in a clear and concise manner, and
3) Are willing to engage in “outside-the-box” advocacy (with permission and oversight of program supervision). Also addresses issues of confidentiality and expert witness testimony.
HOPE FOR THE HURTING: An educational and practical training for Christian clergy and lay leaders to encourage effective response to families impacted by violence. Addresses concepts of privilege and vulnerable populations, as well as safety planning and mandated reporting.
LOVE IS … (YOU ARE MORE TREASURED THAN GOLD): A program specifically developed for young Christian women from 13-25 to promote body positivity, healthy relationships, and knowledge of issues such as consent, dating violence, and how to access help if they are being hurt.
FREEDOM FROM FEAR: An engaging and practical training for educators to promote effective response to children and families impacted by family violence. Addresses concepts of dating violence, bullying and mandated reporting.
WHERE CHILD PROTECTION and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MERGE: Developed specifically for child protection workers through a grant awarded by the Department of Justice, this six-part series training curriculum promotes best practices in child protection work, and includes such topics as:
- Prisoners of a Very Private War (a “DV 101” workshop)
- The Batterer as Partner, The Batterer as Parent
- Children Living Domestic Violence
- Screening for and Documenting Coercive Control
- Batterer Accountability
- Why Doesn’t She Just LEAVE?!?
Please e-mail Kathy at for more information, allowing at least 48 hours for response. Programming can be changed or adjusted to meet specific need. Many of these trainings have been done for audiences such as:
* Faith-based groups and organizations
* Law enforcement agencies, attorneys and court personnel
* Child protection, CASAs, batterer intervention and other social service programs
* Mental and medical health professionals
* Educational staff and student bodies
Kathy has presented at the following venues:
* Battered Mother’s Custody Conference, Albany, NY
* Guntersville Public Library, Guntersville, AL
* The Life That Awaits You Retreat, Plainfield, MA
* New England Pastoral Institute, Salem, NH
* Weld County Department of Human Services, Greeley, CO
* NH Division of Children, Youth and Families; Central Intake, Salem, Rochester, Keene, Manchester, Portsmouth
* NH Division of Financial Assistance, Portsmouth
* Nashua Community College, The Realities of Domestic Violence Proceedings
* University of New Hampshire; Durham and Manchester
* Hesser College; Portsmouth and Salem
* Plymouth State University
* Salem High School, Salem, NH
* NH Police Standards Academy
* Plaistow Police Department
* CASA NH; Derry and Manchester
* Family Strengths, Derry
* Families First, Portsmouth
* Center for Life Management, Salem
* Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital
* Americorp Victim Assistance Program Training
* A Safe Place Volunteer Training
* Sexual Assault Support Services Volunteer Training
* The Open Door, Londonderry