Don’t wait to be rescued. There are far more barriers keeping you in (abuse, poverty, homelessness, etc.) than there is help to get you out.
You will find individuals who care, but in reality, all they can offer is a life ring thrown from the distance, or a life raft in which to jointly pull to shore.
When it comes to domestic violence, there is no ship over the horizon, no institution or program to pull you and your children from the perils of your abuser to give you rest and bring you to safe harbor. Domestic violence programs, expert witnesses, prosecutors, law enforcement, attorneys, custody evaluators, child protection, courts, etc. — these will never be rescue ships. They are only tools, oars to pick up and start rowing for shore. If you make them more than they are, they will surely disappoint, and you will only drown waiting for rescue. There is ONLY YOU, only your children. If you don’t make it, your children will struggle to go on without you, but it will likely not be any quality life.
YOU MUST PERSEVERE TO RESCUE YOURSELF, until rescue is no longer needed (likely, the day your youngest reaches 18). Strap on your life vest — that which compels you to survive — and purpose to reach safety and rest. You can do it. You CAN. If I could, than you can, too. I promise. I promise it won’t be easy; many times, you will want to lay down and die. I promise there will be days that are victories to celebrate — others which are defeats to be mourned. They will only be yours (and your children’s). No one else’s.
YOU MUST FIGHT, you must swim. YOU. Don’t wait for rescue. Give everything you have to reach shore.
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