MJN Network Business Card Inquiry

Home / MJN Network Business Card Inquiry

Please complete this form so we can build your electronic Mother Justice Network (MJN) business card.

Especially if you are an individual survivor/justice advocate who wants to help others, please read the helpful hints below the form before filling out your application.


12 + 5 =



If you need help brainstorming or safety planning to avoid interference from your former partner/ex/counter-parent, please ask for assistance at [email protected]. At a minimum, we need a name, a contact method for survivors to reach you, and whether your offered services are FREE, FREE CONSULT ONLY, or FOR FEE.

NAME: Consider whether it is safer to use an alias, at least until you can screen your callers. Especially if you are being legally harassed, monitored or stalked, please consider using an alias when helping other survivors.

ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION: Either a phone number or an email address will do. Using a phone number with billing that is attached to your home residence is not recommended; instead, use a Google Voice number (created from a new Gmail account created specifically for this purpose) or a burn phone (like Tracfone) to obtain a phone number unknown to your opposing party. A Google Voice number can be forwarded to your usual cell phone for convenience. Use an email address dedicated to communications with clients from MJN, and make sure it is not easily identifiable by your opposing party. ProtonMail.com is recommended for encrypted email communications.

AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Tell us up to five topics for which you provide support to other survivors. Please note: even though “narcissistic abuse” and “parental alienation” are buzz-phrases common in this movement, there are specific reasons why they are not used on Mother Justice Network as areas of expertise. Also, if you are providing legal advocacy, please indicate in what locations you have done so.

WEBSITE or SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: It may be safer, again, to use a presence or profile that is unknown to your opposing party. Ultimately, this is about HOW survivors will connect with you. Remember that each method you permit for survivors to reach you represents another method that needs to be regularly monitored. Fewer means of connecting–not more–is recommended.

SERVICE FEES: Just tell us whether your services are FREE, FREE CONSULT ONLY, or FOR FEE.

LOCATION OF SERVICES: Especially if you will be providing in-person support, indicate how large your service area is: local, county, state, national or international? What limits do you have in providing in-person support?

ADDITIONAL NOTES: Use this box to tell us a little about yourself, or the services you give others. Also tell us your “go-live date”–the earliest date that you are available to provide supports to other protective parents.

LOGO: It is not necessary, but if you have a logo, upload one with the button available.

MATH PROBLEM: To prevent bots from accessing this site, please complete the math problem in order to submit your profile for your electronic MJN business card. 


Thank you for your dedication to assisting other Protective Mothers. Join us on the Facebook page, MJN Networking, and follow Mother Justice Network on Facebook.